
Werlis Blog

Ich hab' mein' Sach' auf Nichts gestellt. (Max Stirner)


Written by: Uwe Werler on
Tags:  #saltstack #pepper #salt-api

In my post about SaltStack external auth I wrote about how to configure the salt master and cli to use ldap authentication. Wouldn’t it be neat to have remote access to salt to run commands? There’s a nice tool/library called pepper which fills this gap. It’s easy to install via pip: pip3 install salt-pepper To have nice formatted output like with salt cli make sure that the salt libs are installed (either by installing the package via pkg_add or via pip too). Read more...

saltstack external auth

Written by: Uwe Werler on
Tags:  #saltstack #salt-auth #eauth #ldap

Before I suggest other people solutions I usually try them at home (or in case of eg. health or nutrition topics at myself) first. As of with operating system access I don’t like to run commands directly as root if not really necessary. The same applies to Salt too. Salt is able to use external authentication like pam or ldap. Because I run everything on OpenBSD there’s of course no pam (painful auth modules) so I decided to get Salt with my OpenLDAP1 setup working. Read more...

why the hell?

Written by: Uwe Werler on

If someone has found his way to my blog he might be surprised that there’s hardly any content yet. Yeah, it’s because I got “featuritis”. First I thought it would be nice to be able to have comments. Then I stumbled across goatcounter and wanted to integrate that too. And finally I decided to have a search function available which costed me the most nerves and fiddeling. So stay tuned I’ll write about all that soon. Read more...

run goatcounter on OpenBSD

Written by: Uwe Werler on
Tags:  #OpenBSD #goatcounter

To have some statistics about my blog I decided to install goatcounter , an Open Source web analytics tool with no tracking. I always try to self host my stuff so let’s start. First install go to be able to compile goatcounter: doas pkg_add go Then clone the git repo and build it like described at the github page: git clone https://github.com/zgoat/goatcounter.git cd goatcounter go build -tags osusergo,netgo,sqlite_omit_load_extension \ -ldflags="-X zgo. Read more...

isso installation on OpenBSD

Written by: Uwe Werler on
Tags:  #isso #OpenBSD

After my son asked me if we could run a content management system for him I was playing around with wordpress, joomla and drupal. For me it’s like a massive overkill and much too complicated. So I decided to give my own blog another try after two years doing nothing with hugo stuff. Then I got the idea that the ability to leave comments would be a really nice feature. After digging into this a little bit I stumbled across isso - a simple python based solution able to be self hosted as a disqus alternative with privacy in mind. Read more...
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